Ryan and Regan

Ryan and Regan
Summer 2012

Ryan and Regan

Ryan and Regan
Easter 2011

Ryan and Regan

Ryan and Regan

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Water baby

Ryan and I have started taking mommy and me swimming classes. It is a 25 minute class through our local parks and rec. The first day we went to class he immediately loved the water. He loved it so much he drank about a gallon of pool water that day. We are working on keeping his mouth closed in the pool. He moves his arms and tries to kick his legs. His favorite part of class is when the instructor puts out the floating bricks. Ryan tries to swim to reach the bricks. He can move his arms in a doggy paddling motion and tries to kick his legs. Really, I am the one doing all the work to reach those bricks. Man my legs are sore after each class!

Pumpkin Patch

Yesterday, my friend Jessica and I took Ryan and Jessica's daughter, Lauren, to the pumpkin patch. It was beautiful fall weather in So. California, yeah right! It was about 85 - 90 degrees and the wind was blowing pretty hard. We still had a great time. We only stayed for a little over an hour, but that was enough time to choose the perfect pumpkin, see some animals at the petting zoo, and take lots of pictures. I think the babies had the most fun when we tried to take pictures with a pumpkin placed in front of them. They were very smart and quickly realized that if they pushed the pumpkins gently, they would roll off the hay and onto the ground. This kept them amused for quite awhile, and both mommies had to run back and forth placing the pumpkins in front of the babies while trying to take pictures.

Saturday, October 4, 2008

The Climber

Ryan's new past time is climbing and pulling himself up. He will climb on anything and everything. He has been pulling himself up for about a month now, but I actually got pictures of him doing it this time. Ryan is so active these days. He crawls very quickly and pulls himself up into a standing position. It is amazing to watch him. I feel like every day brings so many new experiences and milestones. There is not a lot of down time for mommy and daddy. We take turns chasing Ryan. Another hobby of Ryan's is stalking poor Lucy. When he does catch her he pets her nicely. She returns the favor with many slobbering dog kisses. This just makes Ryan laugh. They are entertaining to watch. Ryan will be eight months old on the 8th. How fast time flies!