Ryan and Regan

Ryan and Regan
Summer 2012

Ryan and Regan

Ryan and Regan
Easter 2011

Ryan and Regan

Ryan and Regan

Monday, February 8, 2010

Happy 2nd Birthday, Ryan!!!

Friday, February 8, 2008 5:15 p.m.
6 lbs 6 oz, 20 inches long

Monday, February 8, 2010
24 lbs, 33 inches long

Friday, February 5, 2010

Mommy's New Camera

For Ryan's upcoming birthday, we bought ourselves a new camera. I have been going a little nuts snapping pictures, but I am so excited about our purchase!

Days Away From 2!!

We are a few days away from Ryan's 2nd birthday. I can't help but get emotional with each passing birthday. What can I say, having a baby was emotional, and since that day I have not been the same. I am the proud mommy of a very smart almost 2 year old! Every day he amazes me with the things he says and does. He is very strong willed and opinionated, yet very loving, and sweet with an infectious laugh.

Some of Ryan's favorite things these days are his blanket, penguin, and froggy at naptime and bedtime. Cars and blocks are his favorite activities to play with Daddy. He loves being read to, but also loves to sit in his rocking chair and read all by himself. He is absolutely obsessed with Caillou, which drives me nuts, but I'm not 2 so I don't understand it. He will grab six Matchbox cars and carry them everywhere with him. He loves to eat pb and honey sandwiches for lunch, will devour peas and broccoli, and prefers rice and chicken for dinner, every night! He has a crazy thing about pants and socks. (He must get that from me.) His socks must be put on perfectly every time or he gasps like you have hurt him, his pants must be soft, comfy sweats. If I try to put pants on him that he doesn't want to wear, he cries and tells me, "Mommy, too big."

Ryan talks so much it amazes me. I find myself laughing when he says new things. Just the other day I was blocking his path when I was putting away laundry so he said, "Excuse me, Mommy," so I would move out of the way and let him pass. In the morning he usually says, "Mommy, hold you," which means he wants to be picked up. Some other funny things he has said to me lately are: "Mommy, look at me," when he wants my attention and his new answer for everything is, "I don't know." Me: "Ryan, where is Lucy?" Ryan: "I don't know, Mommy." He says this while shrugging. Sometimes I feel like he is an adult trapped in this tiny body. I have to constantly remind myself how young he really is.

When Sanjay walks through the door each evening, Ryan looks as if he has received the greatest gift ever! His face lights up and it really warms my heart, and definitely makes Sanjay's day. Ryan will not give his Daddy two seconds to do anything when he comes home. Ryan grabs his hand and says,"Daddy come, Daddy blocks, Daddy cars?" He is always so happy to play with Daddy. Sometimes Sanjay gives me "the look" like really I can't have 2 seconds to unwind, but secretly I know he loves the fact that Ryan absolutely adores him.

Ryan also loves laying in Mommy and Daddy's bed when he wakes up. He drinks his milk and MUST hold onto our blanket. Some things he will often say are, "Mommy, where are you?" when I am doing chores around the house, "Lucy, quiet!" when Lucy is barking and he love, love, loves to ask EVERY DAY, "Mommy, where Daddy go?" To which I reply, "Daddy's at work," (insert whiny voice) "Daddy!!" (followed by laughter) We have made a game out of this because he would ask 100 times a day repeatedly, "Mommy, where Daddy go?" At first I thought how sad he really misses his Daddy, so after he whines I laugh which in turn makes him laugh.

Ryan is so happy to help out around the house, whether it is picking up toys, helping with laundry or his new favorite thing; helping me put water bottles in the refrigerator.

I cannot believe how quickly this past year has gone by. I'm sure this year will bring a new set of parenting challenges, but also much joy as we watch our little guy grow. We were given the greatest gift when we had Ryan, and we feel blessed beyond words. Happy second Birthday to our big boy!! Mommy and Daddy love you so much!