Ryan and Regan

Ryan and Regan
Summer 2012

Ryan and Regan

Ryan and Regan
Easter 2011

Ryan and Regan

Ryan and Regan

Friday, September 24, 2010

Ryan Reading a Library Book

Each week I take Ryan to the library to choose books to bring home. He loves going to the library. He also enjoys being read to or just looking at books by himself. We had the book The Five Little Firefighters for one week. In this time it seems he memorized the words on each page. Although it sounds a bit jumbled, this was the third time he had read this book aloud in one setting. I had him read it again just so I could record it. I was amazed at what he remembered.

Ryan Reading a Library Book from tracy roy on Vimeo.

Thursday, September 23, 2010


On September 7, Ryan started preschool. Although he still attends his preschool transition class twice a week, this new school is the real deal. He is only going to the new school once a week, but he can be dropped off as early as 7 and picked up as late as 6. I, of course, take him at 8:30 and pick him up promptly at 11:30, right after lunch. He can nap there, they have cute little cots set up for the kids, but I'm not ready to let him sleep at school yet. I'm sure we will try it eventually, but we are not there yet. Ryan's favorite part about his new preschool is that he gets to take his lunch in his new monkey lunch box.

On the first day of school, and every week that he has been there, he cries when I drop him off. It makes me feel really guilty about leaving him, but I know he will get used to it and look forward to going there one day. Ryan loves his other preschool class that he goes to twice a week and is so excited to go. Too bad we will now be cutting that down to just one day a week. He will have one day at the new school and one day at the old school. Our goal is to transition him to two days at the new school.

One of the best things about the new preschool is that the director will send me pictures and video of Ryan in class after I have dropped him off. Most days I am at home feeling terrible about leaving him and hoping he has stopped crying, and then I receive a video of him dancing and singing in class. This is very reassuring for me. I can then go on with my day knowing that he is happy and having a great time.

Monday, September 6, 2010

A Brief Conversation With Ryan

Ryan: Mommy, I'm pretty, my pajamas are pretty!

Me: Ryan, you are a boy. Boys are handsome, and your pajamas are cute.

Ryan: Mommy, I don't want to play this game with you.

Clearly, he is still learning the difference between pretty and handsome!