Ryan and Regan

Ryan and Regan
Summer 2012

Ryan and Regan

Ryan and Regan
Easter 2011

Ryan and Regan

Ryan and Regan

Friday, April 30, 2010

It's Been Awhile, But We're Still Here

I haven't gotten around to updating lately. Things have been a bit crazy around here. We recently moved and with Ryan's new schedule of school two days a week, art, music, swimming and a day of field trips, things have been very busy.

Ryan is days shy of 27 months old. Our sweet boy is growing so quickly and talking so much. His personality has really developed, and he has been asserting his independence lately. Every time I try to help him put shoes on, or help him get undressed he will tell me, "No Mommy, Ryan do it." He loves playing with us still, but more and more these days he enjoys playing cars and reading alone. It is pretty funny to walk in his room and see him in my big rocking chair reading. He always says,"Ryan read books." On Monday, at school another little girl had her first day. She was having a tough time and her mom stayed to observe/help out. After class the teacher told me that another mom wanted to talk to me. Immediately, I was very nervous, assuming the worst. She said," I just had to meet you. Your son was so sweet to my daughter today. He helped her out because she was having a hard time." I was relieved that it was good news, but then felt bad assuming it was bad news to begin with. I should know better, my son is truly a kind soul. Anytime he sees another child crying he is very concerned and will say, "Mommy, the baby sad."

Lately I struggle with the feeling that Ryan is a bit overscheduled and really try to make time for the two of us to spend quality time together outside of all of his classes. I think one day I'm going to wake up and he will be 10 years old in school all day long, and I'll ask myself why I had such a crazy schedule for him instead of just enjoying our time together. Developmentally, however, I feel as though the classes have been a huge factor in helping him to become such a smart little guy. It amazes me how quickly he picks up things. We are working on counting to twenty. He has 1- 10 down and after that is gets a little jumbled. He can count to 10 in Spanish and he knows how to spell his name. He can name every member of our family immediate and extended. He also can now point to objects and count how many there are. For instance, we were reading a book about fish, and there were 8 fish on the page. I asked Ryan to count all of the fish and tell me how many were there. He pointed and counted each one and was able to tell me there were 8. Now he wants to count everything!

Most of all I am enjoying the moments that are boring for others to read about in a blog, but that I want to remember forever. The times where I say and do silly things, and he just laughs uncontrollably. There is something so sweet and funny about Ryan laughing hysterically when I do funny things. I know someday he will roll his eyes and be very embarrassed by me, but now he thinks I am the funniest person in the world and that is a very special feeling. I also want to remember the times when he will just come up and give me a big hug and a kiss for no reason. Those are the best moments, so spontaneous that they will never be captured by a camera or video camera.

Hopefully, now that we are a bit more settled I will be better about posting. After all, this is my baby book and if it is not written here, I will never remember that it happened. Must be the new brain that comes with having kids!

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Easter Sunday

This year for Easter we went to my parents' house. After the fiasco at the egg hunt the day prior, I was excited for Ryan to hunt for eggs with his cousins. There were only three kids, well two kids and one teenager so the odds were pretty good for Ryan. He would get some Easter eggs this time around.

Ryan ended up getting a basket full of eggs and was very excited about finding them. He had no idea they were filled with treats and money. The best part was collecting them and putting them in the basket. Here are some of our favorite Easter pictures.

And he's off on the egg hunt. Papa, show me where the eggs are!

Thanks cousin Ben! Look at all of my eggs!

Just one more egg to collect! Say "Happy Easter!"

Monday, April 5, 2010

Annual Easter Egg Hunt

We took Ryan to our city's annual Easter egg hunt on Saturday. I was so excited because this was the year that Ryan would run and pick up lots of eggs and candy. We walked down to the park and arrived 5 minutes before the start. Thankfully, there was a section for just 2 year olds. As we were walking up I told Sanjay he would have to help Ryan while I took pictures. Then I heard the announcement, "No Parents allowed in the two year old area and up. Kids only!" Okay, so plan B. Thankfully, we came with friends. I told Ryan to hold hands with our friends' daughter, who will be three in a couple months. She would steer him in the right direction and show him what to do. It was time, and the kids were off. Hand in hand Grace led Ryan out to the goodies. This is what happened:

So far so good, there they go!!!

Then, for whatever reason, he just stood there all alone at the edge of the goodies just watching.

And watching...

And watching! Please notice there are absolutely NO parents in there helping the kids. Being the rule follower that I am, I did not go in and help him even though it was killing me not to. Ryan left the Easter egg hunt with two eggs. One that was given to him by his friend, Grace and one from his friend, Mia. At least we got some cute pictures out of it. As for the egg hunt, there is always next year!

Friday, April 2, 2010

Pre Preschool

After weeks of contemplating, I decided to enroll Ryan in a pre preschool class. The class is held at the same studio where he took music class for a year and a half. The class is two hours, two days a week. Sanjay and I went back and forth as to why this would be good for Ryan and why possibly it would not. I liked the idea of him being in a class type setting without me, but with other kids. However, as a stay-at-home mom I felt like I was being selfish wanting the two hours for myself.

Ryan started on a Monday so we spent the days prior preparing him. We talked about his favorite tv show character, Caillou, and how he goes to school and Ryan would be going to school just like him. Another perk of this preschool program is that one of the teachers babysits for Ryan, so I thought he would feel comforted by the fact that she was there and it was a familiar location.

On the way to school Monday morning my stomach was in knots. I thought for sure I was going to lose it and cry. We were early and sat in the lobby for a few minutes before the teacher arrived. I felt extremely nervous and Ryan had no idea what was about to happen. When the teacher arrived, they let me walk him around the room and show him what they were going to do that day. Finally it was time to say goodbye. I hugged and kissed him and told him I would be back for him. He immediately started crying and calling for me. Thankfully, they shut the doors so he could no longer see me. I waited in the lobby and after five minutes he was still crying. The teacher came out and asked me if I wanted Ryan to see me. I told her no figuring he would never leave me at that point. I went to the parking lot and waited in my car wondering if I should leave or not. Finally, after what felt like an eternity, but was really only 15 minutes, the teacher came out and told me he was fine. Then she said, "He keeps saying something like Mommy hates you?" I almost started to cry as I told her, "No, he is saying Mommy hold you," I felt awful at that point, but she said to leave and that he was in good hands.

I kept myself busy for the little time I had left before returning to pick Ryan up. Of course I arrived early to pick him up. I was so anxious to see my little guy. When the doors opened and he came out, he gave me a big smile followed by a hug and kiss. He had made a drum in class that day and the teacher said he wanted to hold onto the drum throughout the entire class. One thing I noticed that day and have noticed every day he goes back to school is that when he is playing by himself, I can hear him talking about school. He says the same thing each time. He says, Mommy hold you, Mommy come back." It makes me feel sad, but I like to think he is reminding himself that I will come back for him and I will hold him when I come back to get him. I think this class is a good thing for him and for me. The separation is hard, but something we both must get used to, and ultimately I think he has a good time. He still cries each time I drop him off, but it is becoming less and less. I know the day will come when he runs into class without saying goodbye, so I do like the fact that he needs that last hug and kiss, because really I do too.