Ryan and Regan

Ryan and Regan
Summer 2012

Ryan and Regan

Ryan and Regan
Easter 2011

Ryan and Regan

Ryan and Regan

Thursday, October 29, 2009


This month has flown by! Earlier this month we went to the aquarium with our friends. Of course I do not have a picture from inside the aquarium, just the car ride there. I don't know how I forgot to take out my camera! Here were a couple of my favorite shots.

We also went to the pumpkin patch twice. The first trip was to a farm that has acres of pumpkins and fresh vegetables for you to pick. They also have wagon rides, a petting zoo and so much more. It was just the three of us; Daddy, Mommy and Ryan. Ryan was especially moody and refused to smile the entire time we were there. We made the best out of it. He looks thrilled doesn't he!?!? For the record the pumpkin is not smashing his leg, he is just giving the stink face.

The following day Ryan and I went to a pumpkin patch closer to home. This time, we met friends there. This was a much better experience then the day before. Now that's more like it!

Finally, Halloween is fast approaching. The kids were asked to dress in their costumes for class today. Here is our little Tiger!

A couple of other highlights this month were Mommy went on a girls' trip and Daddy took care of Ryan for three days all by himself. I am happy to report that Daddy, Ryan and Lucy (the dog) were alive and well when I returned home. They were all well fed, the house was not a disaster, and Daddy managed to take Ryan on a playdate to the zoo and to class. Lastly, Mommy ran her second half marathon this month. Ryan and Daddy were at the finish line to cheer her on! Go Mommy!

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Some Small Milestones

Ryan has been chatting up a storm for quite awhile now. Ever since he started talking he called me mama. Although I thought it was really cute, I wondered if he would ever call me mommy. It also has been quite confusing because we refer to Ryan's Grandma as mama, so he's not quite sure what to call her when we mama (me) and mama(grandma)are together. Last week though, he started calling me mommy! I know for many people this is not a huge deal, but for me this was big. I walked into his room and he said,"Hi Mommy!" and has been calling me mommy ever since. It is the sweetest thing. Ryan is also VERY good at saying no. If I ask, "Ryan do you want some peas?" If he doesn't he says, "No," If he want peas he will answer, "Peas," Today, as we were driving, I asked, "Ryan, do you want to go see airplanes?" To my surprise, he said, "Yes." I had to turn around and look at him to make sure he was alone in the backseat and that the yes came from his mouth. Tonight he did it again. I asked him if he wanted water, to which he replied,"Yes."

Ryan, like most kids his age, enjoys walking around in just a diaper. His new thing is, when I take off his pjs to put him in clothes, he has started to exclaim, "I'm naked!" He now does this before bath time and at diaper changing time too. It must be my reaction that makes him say this over and over again. There is nothing cuter than a toddler shouting, "I'm naked," so of course, I laugh.

Some other important milestones are Ryan can count to 10 with help, he has only counted to 10 by himself one time. He also can name all of his body parts. Of course when I am rocking him to sleep at night he wants to poke and point out all of mommy's body parts instead of going to sleep. I think I have been poked in the eye every night for the past few weeks.

And, lastly we have not really let Ryan watch any kid shows as I was afraid that he would turn into some tv obsessed toddler. Well, after spending some time with his cousin and realizing how cool kid tv is, I have to confess, I have a tv watching toddler. When the tv is off he grabs the remote, points to the tv and yells, "T!" This is usually followed up by him saying,"Caillou!" He will say Caillou until you turn on the tv and let him listen to the Caillou theme song. Then he will sit in a tv trance and watch for a good 10 minutes. Then he gets bored and will play with his toys, but yes, I have given in to my tv toddler!

Monday, October 12, 2009

Since You've Been Gone...

Since our friends Krista and Tyler have left the west coast I have tried very hard to keep Ryan busy. It must be tough for him to go from having a buddy to play with everyday to playing with mommy everyday. I know it has been tough for me to get used to not having our friends to share our days with, so I cannot imagine how Ryan feels. Because of this I have taken Ryan on playdates and trips with some of our other friends. Some of the places we have gone are Disneyland;

Ryan found a bench to read a book on while at Disneyland.

He started a new class, here is Ryan's picture on the first day of class.

We went to the fair in town, here is Ryan and Daddy on the train.

We watched airplanes take off and land.

The boys hang out and watch Bruin football games.

But most of all we try to dance, laugh, and smile as much as possible!