Ryan and Regan

Ryan and Regan
Summer 2012

Ryan and Regan

Ryan and Regan
Easter 2011

Ryan and Regan

Ryan and Regan

Tuesday, December 28, 2010


We have been talking about privacy with Ryan lately in regards to when Mommy or Daddy or any adults are at our house using the bathroom. Of course when I am home alone with the kids I have to leave the bathroom door open for safety. Shutting myself in the restroom and locking the door would be much too dangerous these days. We have been teaching Ryan that when an adult is in the bathroom with the door closed, you do not open the door and go in because that adult wants privacy in the bathroom. Well, my little, almost 3 year old is WAY too smart for this! He had to test this concept the first week we brought Regan home from the hospital. With all the commotion, I realized he was no longer in the room with us. I went looking for him and found him in the bathroom with the door closed. I quickly opened the door and was immediately scolded! "No, Mommy, I need privacy," is what he said to me. I could not help it, I had to close the door because I did not want him to see me laughing. Mind you, he is not yet potty trained so he was in the bathroom blowing his nose. When he finally decided to come out of the bathroom I had to explain to him that he is too little to be in the bathroom alone and that he needs an adult in there with him if he wants to close the door.

Last night I was in the bathroom with the door open. Ryan comes in, looks at me very seriously and says, "Mommy, you need privacy," and closes the door. I think he has the concept now.

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Merry Christmas from "R" kids

Wishing you and your family a Merry Christmas!

See you in 2011!!

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Regan- One Month Old

Regan turned a month old on December 5. Since she does not have a doctor's appointment for another month, I weighed her on my scale, and she is about 8 pounds. Quite a difference from the 5 pounds 13 ounces she was at her appointment when she was a few days old. Regan is a great eater, obviously. She has the chubbiest cheeks and round little belly. Ryan, at this age, was so skinny and so tiny. There was not a chubby roll to be found on his body.

I am also happy to report that, for the most part, she is a great sleeper. She woke up one time last night. However, I must also add that she sleeps cuddled up next to me in bed. Yes, I know it is a horrible habit, but I can't resist that face especially in the middle of the night. Ryan was also in our bed for quite some time as a baby, but sleeps great now in his own room so I am not too worried.

I am having a great time shopping for her and cannot resist all of the pink girly, frilly things out there. I am a sucker for bows, hats, dresses and all things that are not practical for a baby. What can I say? I have the best of both worlds, a boy and a girl!