Ryan and Regan

Ryan and Regan
Summer 2012

Ryan and Regan

Ryan and Regan
Easter 2011

Ryan and Regan

Ryan and Regan

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Ryan Can Read, Workbooks, and Candyland

A few months back I decided to start doing flashcards with Ryan. He is always eager to learn, and I enjoy challenging him. I looked up a website on sight words. I wrote the words on flashcards and introduced 4- 6 words to him each day during lunch and dinner. By bedtime he knew all of the words on the flashcards for that particular day. Let me remind you that this is a boy who would memorize books at age 2. He has this crazy ability to memorize things so I figured, why not take advantage of it. As of today he knows all of the preschool sight words and more than half of the kindergarten words.

Since we go to the library weekly and check out books, I started to choose books that had the sight words in them and are designed to help kids recognize the words and essentially begin to read. Although he does struggle with a few words, he can read the books that I bring home each week. I am absolutely amazed that he has taken to reading and flashcards so easily. Today he was in time out and when I went to get him I find him in his chair going through his flashcards. He just really enjoys reviewing flashcards and reading books. To him, it is another "game" that we play. He has also recently got a few preschool workbooks and cannot get enough of them. If I tell him there is no time to do a workbook page, it upsets him. I love the fact that he loves to learn and looks forward to it everyday. He really impresses me and I am so proud of him.

As an early Christmas gift, Ryan received Candyland. He loves playing the game, but with it comes the concept of winning and losing. I'm sure this may upset some people, but I really believe children need to understand that in games and in life people win and lose. I feel like these days schools and parents are trying to get away from saying that there are "winners" and "losers." "Everybody wins," is a line I often hear from others and it drives me insane. At some point, maybe not at 3 years old, kids need to learn that they may fail at something. They need to learn how to cope with it and how to move on.

Ryan and I played Candyland a few times the first night we opened it. As I won the first game he began to get upset, which I expected. I told him when you lose you don't pout or complain, at the same time, if you win, you don't brag about it or celebrate excessively. I said, when the game is over, win or lose you shake the other person's hand and say,"Good game." He is only three and a half, but he needs to learn that things are not always going to go his way. I understand this is a big concept for him, so we are easing into it. Needless to say, we probably play between 3- 5 games every other day. I can tell he gets upset when he loses, but tries not to let it show and is super excited when he wins. This is a learning experience for him, but also a life skill that he should be aware of at this age. Regardless of winning or losing, Ryan really enjoys spending that quality time playing games with his dad or me.

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Regan is 1 year old!!

Regan turned a year old on November 5th! We had a small party with family and a couple close friends. When Regan woke up on her birthday, Ryan insisted that she wear the "birthday hat." Like the agreeable little girl that she is, she wore it with a smile.

I tried to get some pictures of Ryan and Regan together before the party. It didn't go well.

The Birthday cake

Time for Regan to eat her first cupcake!

Hanging out at the end of the party.

Happy First Birthday Baby Girl!!

Friday, November 4, 2011

A Year Ago Today

A year ago today, I was 39 weeks pregnant. I went to my weekly doctor's appointment. In the two weeks prior to this appointment I was 1 centimeter, then 2 centimeters dilated, respectively. I was sure my doctor would tell me, "This is it, get ready your baby is coming." But that is not what she said. Instead she told me I was 3 centimeters dilated. I was a bit disappointed because I was ready. She then asked me how I felt about being induced. I was happy and nervous all at the same time. I was at the appointment alone, so it was up to me to decide what I wanted. I told her that I thought it was a great idea, that I was ready. I liked the idea of knowing if I was induced I would know when to go to the hospital. I was so nervous about going into labor while Ryan was at school. What if Sanjay couldn't make it home in time? Where do I take Ryan? Who would pick him up from school? Would he be scared? With the induction, I was able to have a plan. My in laws would come to spend the night with Ryan, my mom would come to the hospital with Sanjay and me, my sister would come relieve my in laws so they could come to the hospital. After the baby was born my sister would bring Ryan to meet the baby. It was a great plan.

My mom came over that afternoon. My in laws came over shortly after. My bags were packed. I had to call the hospital at 10:00 p.m. to make sure there was room for me. We let Ryan stay up late that night. I had Sanjay take pictures of Ryan and me with my very big belly. I remember feeling overwhelmed with emotions; happy that it was finally time, nervous about the labor and delivery, a bit sad about how Ryan would react to not being an only child anymore. I said goodnight to him and tucked him in bed. I reassured him that he would see me in the morning and he would be able to meet his new brother or sister. I think he was more excited about his cousins coming to play with him the next day.

We headed off to the hospital; my mom, Sanjay and me. I was finally able to not worry about Ryan, knowing that there were bigger things to worry about. We, of course, arrived about 10 minutes too early and had to wait in the waiting room for 10 minutes. That was a short 10 minutes. At midnight they admitted me and set me up in a room. I, then had to change from my comfy sweats to the hideous birthing gown. The nurse came to put in my IV, the worst part by far. She put the IV in my arm and it hurt really badly. She had missed the vein and put it in a valve. Of course, they had to try again. I can't remember if this happened 2 or 3 times, but 2 nurses later I was on the brink of tears and they finally had it in. Of course I was trying to keep a brave face because I knew this was nothing compared to the pain I was about to experience.

The nurse started pitocin at 1:00 a.m. From then on, we just waited. My mom and Sanjay were able to get a little rest. I just felt nervous. It is hard to rest being hooked up to IVs and a fetal monitor. The nurse came to check on me several times throughout the night. She kept asking about my contractions. I could see them on the screen, but could not feel them. I had not had an epidural yet. It just felt like the baby was moving in stomach, but I never felt the pain of contractions.

At about 6:00a.m., my doctor called to check on me. The nurse told her I was having contractions, but was feeling nothing. I was progressing slowly, but just not in any pain, thank God! The doctor decided that the midwife on duty would come break my water to get things moving. As the midwife prepared, my water broke on it's own. At that point my doctor advised me (over the phone) that I might want to get an epidural and that she would be at the hospital soon to check on me. I got the epidural and my doctor arrived about an hour or so later. I kept telling her that I could feel the baby moving, but I was never in any pain, even prior to the epidural. I was not quite progressing, so she had me lay on my other side and said she would be back in a few hours to check on me. About 15 minutes later, I felt like it was time. I told Sanjay or my mom, (I can't remember which one) that I felt pressure. I remember them both looking at me like,'Really, now?' The nurse came back in checked me and agreed, it was time. My poor doctor probably made it out to the parking lot and had to come right back up. She came back in smiling. This was how it happened for me the first time around with Ryan. As soon as she left, he was ready to come. I will spare you the details, but she was out in 3 pushes. I remember the doctor saying,"Here's the head," my mom said,"Oh, it's a boy," then Regan was born and she said,"No, it's a girl!" I, and I think my mom and Sanjay, were in utter disbelief. I think we were all thinking it was going to be another boy.

And, now, 364 days later I cannot believe we are on the eve of Regan's first birthday. It went by so fast! Regan has been the best eater, the best sleeper, really good natured and just a sweet baby. She has fit perfectly into our family. Tomorrow we will celebrate her, and I know that everyone is always so happy to celebrate birthdays. I am happy too, but for some reason there is always a part of me that feels so emotional on my kids' birthdays. I think it is the miracle of it all, pregnancy, becoming a mom, feeling so much love for another human being that it is indescribable. Happy First Birthday to my dear sweet Regan! I am so happy that I am your Mommy, and I have the privilege of watching you grow up. I love you so very much!