Ryan and Regan

Ryan and Regan
Summer 2012

Ryan and Regan

Ryan and Regan
Easter 2011

Ryan and Regan

Ryan and Regan

Monday, October 4, 2010

35 Weeks and Freaking Out!

This week I will be 35 weeks pregnant. Having an older child that I have to focus all my time and attention on has made this pregnancy fly by. Ryan was born 15 days early so I am a bit nervous about this one showing up early too. As if we don't have enough going on right now, we are moving again. This is the second time we will have moved during this pregnancy. We have only been in our current place for about 6 months. We saw a great opportunity to buy a place and jumped at the chance. Needless to say, escrow closes next week and we are moving the following week. With all the added stress of a move, Ryan in a new preschool that he is having a hard time getting used to, and being pregnant, I really hope this baby can hold off at least for 3 weeks or so. I am having many Braxton Hicks contractions and hoping that they will remain Braxton Hicks contractions and not turn into the real thing.

This baby is much more active then I remember Ryan being, especially at night. That is not a good sign. This one will probably not be a great sleeper. I am trying to prepare myself for the lack of sleep, but really it is impossible. The baby weighs about 4 1/2 pounds as of 2 weeks ago and the dr. says I am looking at a 7- 8 pound baby. Ryan was a tiny 6 pounds 6 ounces so having a much bigger baby scares me a little.

Ryan has been talking to my belly quite a bit. He will put his face right up to it and say, " Hi Baby, I'm your big brother, Ryan. I'm going to help Mommy take care of you. I sing to you" He will then sing "Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star" to my stomach. It is really cute. He is still convinced that he is having a sister. I think many of our family members are convinced that I am having a girl. I think it may just be that they all want us to have a girl so badly that they feel this way. I have not had any indication either way but think it may be another boy.

Since Sanjay and I cannot agree on any names, we have been asking Ryan if he likes either of our favorite names. He is so funny, he will say," I like that name," when I ask him about my favorite girl name. Sometimes he will say, "No, I do not like that name, that's silly." I think we will both take our favorite girl and boy names to the hospital and choose after the baby is born. After all it did take us a day or so for us to actually call Ryan, Ryan. We were not completely convinced that was the name we wanted, okay, I wanted that name, Sanjay did not. Now he loves the name Ryan and can't imagine him as anything else.

These next five weeks are going to fly by. I still cannot wrap my head around the fact that we are so close to having a second child. I think Ryan is going to be a huge help when I come home with the baby. But, what I am really freaking out about is what to do with Ryan while I am giving birth??? I want him at the hospital in the waiting room with our families, Sanjay wants him at a friend's house. Yet another big dilemma. Guess we will decide what to do when the moment comes. Wish us luck, as we have a lot going on in the next few weeks!