Ryan and Regan

Ryan and Regan
Summer 2012

Ryan and Regan

Ryan and Regan
Easter 2011

Ryan and Regan

Ryan and Regan

Sunday, August 9, 2009

A Year and a Half

Yesterday was Ryan's 18 month birthday. I cannot believe we are fast approaching two! I've been writing a lot (or maybe just thinking) about some challenging moments that I have had with Ryan, so in his post I really want to focus on the sweet side of his personality. Ryan is such a sweet boy! He gives the best hugs. Sometimes I have to ask for hugs, but many times he will just come up and hug me. He not only loves to hug me, or his daddy, but Ryan REALLY loves hugging Lucy, our dog. Most of the time she will let him hug her. Sometimes the hugs are a little rough so she gets her revenge by licking his face, which he thinks is hysterical! Getting kisses from Ryan is a little different. I always have to ask for kisses, and now that Ryan has learned to close his mouth when giving kisses, they are a lot less slobbery.

Most of the time when Ryan wakes up in the morning, he wakes up happy. We often hear talking, but many times he can be heard singing as soon as he wakes up. We taught him a silly little song when he was a baby that he now sings when he wakes up. It goes like this: Ryan, Ryan, I love Ryan! (I know I am a lyrical genius! :)He likes to change the Ryan part to Daddy, Mama, Lucy, Tyler and recently Krista (Tyler's mommy). He also likes to sing ABCs, Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star and just the other day he was humming The Farmer in the Dell. (He got that from one of his music books, as I do not know that song well enough to teach it to him). Since he loves music so much we downloaded his favorite CD onto itunes and we listen to it several times a day. It is The Laurie Berkner Band and the CD is titled "Whaddaya Think of That." Many of her great songs are played in his music and sign language class and he can't get enough of it! He marches, jumps, dances, makes sneezing noises and animal sounds right along with the music.

Lastly, I am proud to say that I have a very polite son. He now says,"Thank you," any time you give him something. For example, each morning I will give him his cup of milk and immediately he says, "Thank you, Mama!" Even when I go to my favorite coffee spot every day, as soon as they hand me my coffee, he signs and says,"Thank you!" Of course the staff thinks it is the cutest thing, and the more you make over Ryan, the more he hams it up for people. He will then break out into song or dance when he notices people paying attention to him. I know two is fast approaching, terrible twos, trying twos, or maybe terrific twos, but most of all I am enjoying watching Ryan grow, discover and become a sweet and loving little boy! Happy year and a half birthday, Ryan! We love you so much!

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