Ryan and Regan

Ryan and Regan
Summer 2012

Ryan and Regan

Ryan and Regan
Easter 2011

Ryan and Regan

Ryan and Regan

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Potty Training, Pulling Hair and Promises From a Two Year Old

We are potty training Ryan. This was something I have dreaded for a long time. He finally started showing some interest, so I thought why not? I have to give Sanjay credit though, he was the one who got Ryan on the potty every night after his bath. From then on, with some enticing rewards, he has been going. We still put him in pull-ups just in case there is an accident, but on February 14th, his school will be helping us so it will be underwear from then on. I hope! I bought Ryan his own calender and he puts stickers on it each time he uses the big boy potty. We also do what a lot of my mom friends have done with their toddlers, which is giving an M&M each time he goes. This is working out pretty well.

Pulling hair...You would think that it would be me pulling my hair out with all we have going on. Actually, that is not the case. The hair puller is sweet little Regan. When she gets extremely tired, she fusses and pulls her own hair. This, of course, makes her cry even harder. It is as if she cannot figure out who is pulling her hair. I really hope this phase goes by quickly.

Lately, Ryan has been exhibiting some three year old behaviors. Since we never actually had terrible twos with him I feel like now may be a trying time. He really is trying to assert his independence and some times he is just flat out being defiant. I know he is testing the waters to see what he can get away with. The other day we were driving in the car and he took his water cup and slammed it against the inside roof of the car (the headliner??). I asked him what he was doing and he continued to do it over and over again when I asked him to stop. When we got home I told him how disappointed I was in him that he did not listen to what I was saying and didn't stop when I asked him to. He looked up at me with those big, brown puppy dog eyes and said, "I'm sorry, Mommy. I promise I will never do that again." I just had to hug him, I mean what could I say after that?

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