Ryan and Regan

Ryan and Regan
Summer 2012

Ryan and Regan

Ryan and Regan
Easter 2011

Ryan and Regan

Ryan and Regan

Sunday, March 20, 2011

A Little Bit About Ryan

Ryan is the best big brother. Although we are going through some trying times with him, he is sure good to his sister. When Regan cries he tries to cheer her up by playing music for her. He also likes to get tissues and wipe the tears from her eyes. When Regan is upset, I hear Ryan say to her, "It's okay, Regan," or "We are right here, don't cry." Some of my favorites are when he shhh's her when she is crying or reassures her by telling her that we are almost home.

Because Ryan has been having a difficult time lately, I have tried to take him places with me alone. It is nice to share time together, just the two of us. However, he gets very upset when Regan is not with us. I left Regan at home with Sanjay and picked Ryan up from school so we could go to the farmer's market together. He kept asking where she was and telling me," We have to go get her." I am so happy that he loves her as much as we do and loves having her around.

Just a side note, when I say, 'We are going through difficult times with him,' all I mean is that he is three and is really asserting himself and has become very independent. He has learned how to talk back, tell us NO, and has a really hard time following directions. I know this is a phase that will pass, so Sanjay and I are just trying to give him a little extra love and attention, hoping that our sweet boy will come back soon.

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