Regan turned 7 months old a few days ago. We decided to go to the zoo that day. It was the first time we put her in the stroller without her carseat. She stayed awake for most of our time there. Being able to face forward in the stroller and see everything that was going on around her kept her happy.
Regan cut her first tooth this weekend too. She has been a champ, although I am sure it is painful for her. She is chewing on everything and drooling like crazy. She is still sleeping through the night, but had a couple rough nights a few days ago. She is babbling up a storm and said, "Ma," yesterday. She still says, "Da da," all the time and will try to imitate the noises that we make. Other things she likes to say are, "ba ba and va va." We are trying to teach her to wave and occasionally it looks like she is actually waving. I'm sure she is not doing it on purpose yet, but it looks as if she is trying to do so.
This week she started eating sweet potatoes. Ryan loved them when he was her age, so I thought she would too. Boy, did I have another thing coming. She gagged and choked and made faces during the feeding. I kept trying to feed it to her each day, and it has gotten better. I have to remind myself that they are different kids and just because Ryan liked it doesn't mean that Regan will. Happy seven months, baby girl!
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