Ryan and Regan

Ryan and Regan
Summer 2012

Ryan and Regan

Ryan and Regan
Easter 2011

Ryan and Regan

Ryan and Regan

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Better Late Than Never

Ryan started his new preschool in September. He is so happy there, and we are very happy with this program. This preschool has the community feel that we were looking for. Parents at this school are involved in everything. Sanjay is the 2nd VP on the parent board. I am the room mom as well as involved in several committees. We love his teacher and Ryan has many nice kids in his class. His teacher is pretty impressed with how smart Ryan is. He can count to 140, then he will usually say, "I am done doing this." We recently have started doing flash card sight words. I am happy to report that Ryan knows 15- 20 sight words and will pick them out when we are reading together. I'm sure it is only a matter of time before he is reading to us.

Although Ryan is very smart, I am reminded daily that he is only 3 and does not know everything. We go over his letter of the week at home. Last week the letter was "C."

He will say, "Mommy, let's do 'C' words." To which I respond, "Sure." He will usually list a few of his favorites; cook, cat, clown, then says,"OK, Mommy, your turn." I will add things like; cloud, crackers, cup. Then my very smart 3 year old says,"Mommy, my turn (while looking out the window or around his room, depending on where we are) how about dresser?" "No, Ryan, dresser starts with the letter D." Then he will say," Book, teeth, paper, blanket, tree." I usually respond with, "Ryan you can't just look around and name everything you see it has to have the "C" sound at the beginning of the word, like CCCcomputer."
"Mommy, I am done doing this." Without fail we will have this conversation at least once a day, sometimes twice. It makes me laugh. He is happy to do it when he is confident with the words he knows. Once he starts to get them wrong, he is done. I'm sure he will catch on at some point. After all he is only 3.

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