Ryan and Regan

Ryan and Regan
Summer 2012

Ryan and Regan

Ryan and Regan
Easter 2011

Ryan and Regan

Ryan and Regan

Sunday, August 5, 2012

Regan is 20 and then 21 months old!

These last few months have been so busy that I haven't been able to sit and write. Regan is such a little girl these days. Hard to believe my baby is almost 2! She has quite a personality and is a bit of a wild child. She has a very sly smile that she shows us when she knows she is doing something she isn't supposed to do. Because of her brother and his obsession with his blanket, she too now has the same obsession. Her's is worse than Ryan's because we have to take her blanket everywhere. We have a car blanket and a bedtime blanket. Bedtime blanket must stay in Regan's room. Car blanket goes everywhere else; the car, the house, family's house, the stroller. Some of the cute and funny things she says are: Hold you, Mama- when she wants to be picked up, Where are you Mama?- when she can't find me, Mommy, up, up, up- when she wants to get out of the stroller or high chair, she calls fire engines- dire dingin, instead of saying Grandma, she calls my mom guppy, she constantly says please, thank you, and bless you, she can count to 20, but won't do it if you ask her too, just when she wants to, and she loves singing loud.

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