Ryan and Regan

Ryan and Regan
Summer 2012

Ryan and Regan

Ryan and Regan
Easter 2011

Ryan and Regan

Ryan and Regan

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Our Trip up North

Ryan and I went up north to visit the Ferraros. We flew because 6 hours in the car seemed way too overwhelming to me. Luckily I chose a Wednesday to fly where the plane would be pretty empty just in case a meltdown should occur. This was the first time I had flown with him alone since he was a tiny peanut. We arrived at the airport way to early and our flight was delayed (go figure)! I became really anxious because Ryan was getting tired of being in the stroller. I packed his shoes into my checked luggage and was not about to let him roam LAX without shoes. Finally our plane arrived and we boarded. First of all, let me say that I am very surprised at the number of people who offered to help me (none!) as I had to fold Ryan's stroller and he started to run off all while holding carry on luggage. Then, we got onto a very empty plane where I sat in the middle seat, put Ryan in the window seat and a man sat down next to me! Really, there were SO many empty seats on this flight (we were #22 to board) and he had to fill our row.

Ryan was busy looking out the window pointing at every airplane he could see and saying, "airplane" he also spotted some trucks (his new favorite thing, and kept saying "truck." Finally, we were off. I brought a bag filled with toys, books, food and water. I started to dig in my bag of tricks and gave Ryan some toys to play with. Really you had to be there to see this, but Ryan was quiet with the exception of a few laughs for the entire one hour flight! I was shocked and proud of my independent little guy. I was prepared for the worst!

We spent five days up north, two of the days I watched cousin Gavin along with Ryan. I was nervous thinking Ryan and Gavin would run me ragged these two days, but I am pleased to say that I think I wore them out. We went to the park, played with Gavin's toys, sang lots of songs, and read books. I almost felt like it was easier with two because when it is just Ryan and me I feel like I always have to be "on" entertaining him every second of the day, whereas here, they were entertaining eachother. I'm sure babysitting any longer than two days and all sorts of things would have gone wrong, but two days I could handle. Ryan also went to his first baseball game where Uncle Gary's team was playing for the championship. Sadly, they lost, a very close game, but it made me realize how much I miss watching baseball.

Our trip came to an end the following day and as our flight time quickly approached, I became increasingly nervous. Ryan would have a meltdown on the flight home, for sure! Wrong again! Ryan sat and played with his Leap Frog toy and looked at books during the flight back home. It was such a dream to have him behave so well on our flights! He is becoming an expert flyer as this was his fourth flight, and with behavior like this, I am not afraid to try it again!

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