Ryan and Regan

Ryan and Regan
Summer 2012

Ryan and Regan

Ryan and Regan
Easter 2011

Ryan and Regan

Ryan and Regan

Monday, April 5, 2010

Annual Easter Egg Hunt

We took Ryan to our city's annual Easter egg hunt on Saturday. I was so excited because this was the year that Ryan would run and pick up lots of eggs and candy. We walked down to the park and arrived 5 minutes before the start. Thankfully, there was a section for just 2 year olds. As we were walking up I told Sanjay he would have to help Ryan while I took pictures. Then I heard the announcement, "No Parents allowed in the two year old area and up. Kids only!" Okay, so plan B. Thankfully, we came with friends. I told Ryan to hold hands with our friends' daughter, who will be three in a couple months. She would steer him in the right direction and show him what to do. It was time, and the kids were off. Hand in hand Grace led Ryan out to the goodies. This is what happened:

So far so good, there they go!!!

Then, for whatever reason, he just stood there all alone at the edge of the goodies just watching.

And watching...

And watching! Please notice there are absolutely NO parents in there helping the kids. Being the rule follower that I am, I did not go in and help him even though it was killing me not to. Ryan left the Easter egg hunt with two eggs. One that was given to him by his friend, Grace and one from his friend, Mia. At least we got some cute pictures out of it. As for the egg hunt, there is always next year!

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