Ryan and Regan

Ryan and Regan
Summer 2012

Ryan and Regan

Ryan and Regan
Easter 2011

Ryan and Regan

Ryan and Regan

Friday, May 7, 2010

And Then There Were Four

I knew when I started this blog it would mostly be about Ryan. I quickly realized it was a shared blog, sometimes it was also about me, or Sanjay, or even our friends. The whole purpose of starting a blog was after having Ryan I would write in his baby book and soon found there wasn't a place to write down all of the things I wanted to say about him. This blog became that place. Here I could write anything I wanted to say and didn't have to figure out what category it fit under in our baby book; teething? No! Firsts? No! Milestones? Not necessarily.

Now, this will definitely be a shared blog. It will still be about Ryan, sometimes it will be about me or Sanjay, or our friends, but it will definitely be shared with Ryan's little brother or sister. I am happy to announce that we are expecting our second baby! Although it is still early, I am SO happy to report that I am in my second trimester, 13 and 1/2 weeks to be exact. The first trimester this time around was much different then when I was pregnant with Ryan. I was nauseous pretty much everyday, all day long. My poor husband and Ryan have never eaten so much takeout food (GASP!) in their lives, especially my little guy. As much as I hated watching them eat junky food, there was nothing I could do about it. Thankfully, now that I am feeling better we are all enjoying more home cooked meals.

Last week, I had a pretty extensive, routine ultrasound. I was thinking back to my ultrasounds with Ryan, he would calmly lay there and then jerk and then resume laying. This baby, however, would not stay still for anything. The doctor even asked me what I had for breakfast because he/she was moving so much. You would have thought I had a large ice- blended coffee and doughnuts, which I didn't, but I don't think anyone would have believed me if I said that I just had oatmeal.

Needless to say, all signs are pointing to baby #2 being very different from Ryan. I always knew that Ryan was a good baby and a good little boy. He loves to sleep, he loves to learn, he loves to read, he goes with the flow, and he listens to us. I think we may have a bit of a challenge on our hands with the second. At least I know I have a good helper in Ryan, and he will make a great big brother! In November, we will become a family of four, or make that five if you count our sweet Lucy. And, yes, we will all be waiting until November to see if Ryan has a baby brother or sister. Ryan keeps telling us he wants a sister. We'll see if he gets his wish. Either way, we are just blessed to be able to add to our family and are excited to share him/her with all of you!

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