Ryan and Regan

Ryan and Regan
Summer 2012

Ryan and Regan

Ryan and Regan
Easter 2011

Ryan and Regan

Ryan and Regan

Friday, May 7, 2010


I am typically a more reactive person rather than proactive which drives my husband crazy, but generally is not a big deal. However, this presented a problem for us last night. While at the farmer's market, Ryan was running around like he normally does, but this time he took a tumble. I picked him up, but he would not let me check him out to see if there were any cuts or bumps on him. He was off and running two seconds later. My friend happened to see some blood on Ryan's hand. After chasing him I picked him up and realized he had scraped the skin off of the outside of his hand, and it was bleeding. He would not let me look at it or clean it or anything, so I let him play. I figured if it hurt badly he would come and let me "fix" it.

Fifteen minutes later we were on our way home to eat dinner. When we got home, it was time to wash the cut. It was making my stomach turn, so Sanjay took on the job. He held Ryan and gently cleaned his hands with soap and water. Bad idea! Ryan started to scream because I was sure his hand stung. Sanjay carefully dried the cut and put on a generic band-aid. Finally, we were ready to eat dinner. That is everyone but Ryan. He cried throughout the meal saying his hand hurt and refused to eat. It was at this point that I realized we had to go to the store. I knew we needed some really cool band-aids and something to take the sting away from the cut. This is something I should have already had in my medicine cabinet considering I am the mom of a rough and tumble toddler.

It was late, but off we went. Ryan picked out some car band-aids and I got some bubbling, non-stinging antibacterial foam. The band-aids were a huge hit. We could not even put them in the bag, Ryan wanted to carry them out of the store. Whatever made him happy at this point was fine by me. Once we got home, I was able to clean the cut and put on an awesome car band-aid! What made it even better was the antibacterial foam looked like tiny bubbles, which was also a huge hit with my bubble loving little man.

At 2:00 this morning, Ryan woke up crying. Then the cry turned into hysterical screams. I ran into his room thinking something was very wrong. When I got there, through the tears he told me his car band-aid fell off, and he could not find it. I went to the bathroom, got another car band-aid and put it on. Within minutes he was fast asleep. It is amazing what a car band-aid can do for a toddler. Needless to say, I went out and bought more "cool" bandaids today, just in case.

1 comment:

What's This Blog About said...

It made me sad to read this. I felt like we should have been there with you. ;o(
Hope the little man is doing better.
Also, I am so happy that you are officially out of your first trimester and feeling better.
Miss you tons!