Ryan and Regan

Ryan and Regan
Summer 2012

Ryan and Regan

Ryan and Regan
Easter 2011

Ryan and Regan

Ryan and Regan

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Ryan's Rice Feeding Ceremony

On Sunday we had Ryan's Rice Feeding Ceremony. Sanjay's parents, invited only family and close friends to this event. It was a nice, intimate gathering. In Sanjay's culture, from what I understand, the ceremony marks the first time a baby is given solid foods, namely rice or rice pudding in this instance. Also, at this ceremony the baby chooses their career path, or path for their future. Ryan was presented with a silver tray in which he had items to choose from. The object he picked up is said to determine his future career choice or path in life. He was able to choose from money which symbolizes wealth, a book which symbolizes a scholar, a rock which symbolizes some nature based profession, and a pen which symbolizes a writer or some sort of career relating to this, lawyer; etc. After touching the money, book, and the pen, Ryan picked up the pen with his tiny fingers. It was interesting to watch this. I thought he would pick up the book since we read each day, and he seems to be quite fond of books. Sanjay thought he would go for the money, big surpise there! Sorry Daddy guess he won't be an Investment Banker like you were! It will be interesting to see if this holds true for Ryan's future. Ryan was so well behaved throughout the day. He let everyone hold him and right after he chose the pen he started to nod off due to all of the excitement. Needless to say it was a great time. Sanjay's mom, Ryan's "Dima" prepared all of the food for this event. As usual, it all tasted wonderful! My parents, Wendi, Marc, Savannah and Ben were able to come and be a part of this also. They enjoyed seeing Ryan dressed in his kurta pajamas, or what I call, his Indian outfit. Thanks Ma and Baba for putting together a memorable Rice Ceremony for our precious son!

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