Ryan and Regan

Ryan and Regan
Summer 2012

Ryan and Regan

Ryan and Regan
Easter 2011

Ryan and Regan

Ryan and Regan

Friday, November 28, 2008


At the beginning of this month we went to Cabo. Sanjay's good friend got married and we took a much needed vacation. Vacationing with a baby is much different then it was when it was just the two of us. I was extremely nervous about the trip because the flight was long, and now that Ryan is crawling around, how would it be for him confined on a plane and in a hotel room? Ryan far exceeded my expectations! On the 2 hour flight to Cabo he was a model passenger. We brought toys, books, and lots of snacks. He was occupied the entire flight. We did leave the plane a mess with about a thousand bits of Cheerios left behind. Sorry nice flight attendants! We were in Cabo for a total of 4 days. We tried to stay busy and out of our hotel room. Ryan was happy riding around in his stroller and playing in the kiddie pool. Sanjay's parents came with us to help out with Ryan and enjoy a mini-vacation of their own. They watched Ryan while we went to the wedding and helped out tremendously throughout the trip. Our only hiccup on the trip was the flight home. We were "those people" with the screaming baby on the flight home. Ryan was inconsolable for one hour of our two hour flight home. He managed to throw up and wail at the top of his lungs for what felt like an eternity. I was so thankful that other passengers and the flight attendants were helpful and did not throw things at us. Sanjay finally got Ryan to sleep by walking continuously in the front of the plane. We made it through our first trip with Ryan to a foreign country. Looks like there may be more traveling in Ryan's future!

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