Ryan and Regan

Ryan and Regan
Summer 2012

Ryan and Regan

Ryan and Regan
Easter 2011

Ryan and Regan

Ryan and Regan

Monday, November 10, 2008

Mom the slacker

Life has become a little more challenging now that Ryan is mobile. In addition to that, he has chosen to stop taking long naps. This leaves little or no time for me to do much of anything. However, it has created more time for me to capture new and exciting moments in Ryan's life. Ryan is now 9 months old and each month I find myself wondering where the time has gone. I think I talk about this with each passing month. It is amazing how fast time has gone by. He is starting to turn into a little boy which means thoughts, sounds and opinions of his own. He has started to throw temper tantrums, which is really interesting. He will many times refuse to get in his carseat, and the stroller, forget about it! One of the only times he seems to be happy, when we are out, is when I hold him either in the Bjorn or on my hip. I know I should enjoy this because soon enough this will pass and he will want to do everything by himself.

Ryan had his 9 month doctor appointment last week. He is only 16 pounds. I feed this boy all the time, I promise. He is so incredibly active that he metabolizes his food rather quickly. He is eating so many different things now. However, I am still pretty careful with what I feed him. His favorite snack right now is Cheerios. He cannot get enough of these! He also eats oatmeal, eggs, toast, rice, most vegetables, some fruits, bread, and he will be starting meats in the upcoming week. Maybe I am just paranoid about him having a reaction to certain foods, so I have been careful, but as his mom that is my job, to look out for him. Needless to say, he is not even on the chart for weight.

Last but not least, yes I am a slacker. I have not posted our Halloween adventures, and we just returned from a mini-vacation in Cabo. I hope to have these posts up in the next few days along with some great pictures! Stay tuned!

1 comment:

Jennifer Uribe said...

Tracy - You aren't a slacker! You are a new mom! Just so you don't feel badly, Gracie and Luke are 14 months old, and Gracie is just now 19 lbs. She was only about 15 lbs when she was 9 months old.

Don't worry. Some babies are small and that is fine! He's eating, he's happy. It's all good! Trust me!