Ryan and Regan

Ryan and Regan
Summer 2012

Ryan and Regan

Ryan and Regan
Easter 2011

Ryan and Regan

Ryan and Regan

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Just When You Think You Have it All Figured Out...

Just when I started to think I have this parenting thing down pat, Ryan throws another curve ball. I decided to go out for a few hours last night with two of my girlfriends. I have been out alone maybe four times since Ryan was born. Since we have our routine I thought everything would work out perfectly. I fed Ryan dinner, then left. Sanjay took care of the bath, bedtime stories, and then put Ryan to bed. I came home at a reasonable hour, 10:15 and was asleep by 11:00. Low and behold, my good sleeper decided he really missed his mommy and at 1:30 a.m. cried and cried, and cried some more. I tried to wait it out and see if he would go back to sleep, but he would not. He joined us in our bed, but did not want to go to sleep. He was so sweet and cuddly that I did not mind, at first. By 3:30 a.m. I was exhausted and cuddle time was definitely over! Thankfully Ryan finally fell asleep. I think I got two more hours of sleep after that, then Ryan was up again! So this is how our day began. The hardest part about all of this aside from the lack of sleep was, what was the problem? Why was he awake? Teeth, tummy ache, was it too cold? Soon enough he will be able to tell us why he is awake and what is bothering him. Until then I will no longer assume that I will be getting a full night of sleep, because when I make that assumption, you know what happens!

As I am writing this post, I turned around to check on Ryan and he took two wobbly steps! Two, not the usual one, but two! UH-OH I'm in trouble now!

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