Ryan and Regan

Ryan and Regan
Summer 2012

Ryan and Regan

Ryan and Regan
Easter 2011

Ryan and Regan

Ryan and Regan

Monday, February 9, 2009

Ryan, the Little Peanut

Ryan had his one year doctor appointment today. He is such a little peanut! Just when I started thinking how solid he is, the pediatrician tells me otherwise. Ryan is 17 pounds and 29 1/4 inches long. He is way below the 0 percentile for weight, and in the 30th percentile for height. The doc says he needs more calories! I feel like he eats a lot, three solid meals a day and I've starting giving him whole milk in addition to those meals and I'm still breastfeeding. He is so active though, so I'd like to think he is burning many calories and that is why he is not gaining?? I guess I would not be bothered by this so much if she seemed okay with his weight, however she seemed a little concerned. Developmentally, he is fine. He waves, claps, points, grasps small things like Cheerios, and has begun walking. She did say that because of his jargon (the conversations Ryan has with himself that no one else can understand) he is slightly advanced in comparison with a "normal" one year old. Whatever that means. Daddy will be proud and that's all that matters. Well, guess I better go feed the peanut! Time to carb load, little buddy!

1 comment:

The Uribe Family said...

Don't worry. Nate has been 27 lbs. forever and he eats like crazy. Ryan is healthy and happy, that's all that matters.
Love your blog layout.