Ryan and Regan

Ryan and Regan
Summer 2012

Ryan and Regan

Ryan and Regan
Easter 2011

Ryan and Regan

Ryan and Regan

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Easter Egg Hunt

Our city holds an annual Easter egg hunt the day before Easter every year. Last year was our first year at this event. Since Ryan was just a peanut, only 2 months old, he did not participate. I looked forward to taking him this year because he is now walking and this was right up his alley. We arrived 30 minutes prior to the hunt. To pass the time Ryan was collecting leaves in his basket. Before we knew it, it was time for the big hunt. All of the crazy parents lined the grass area designated for kids under 2 years of age. Parents were allowed to assist their kids with the egg gathering. When the candy and eggs were thrown onto the grass, the hunt was on. Thankfully we found a small spot where Ryan picked up four eggs and a few pieces of candy while I took some pictures and video. When the eggs and candy in this small section were cleared out, we were done collecting. We then decided it was time to hunt down the Easter bunny and get our free picture with the furry fellow. After waiting in a short line, it was our turn. I put Ryan on the bunny's lap and Sanjay and I stood on either side. Ryan immediately began crying. Not the 'I'm sad whiny cry,' but the 'OH MY GOSH I AM BEING TORTURED cry.' The sheer terror on his face was priceless. I felt bad, but I just wanted one free picture for the memory. I mean everyone has goofy kid pictures with the Easter bunny. Okay, so maybe next year we will have to talk about the bunny and look at him from afar before we actually take the big step...pictures with the bunny!

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