Ryan and Regan

Ryan and Regan
Summer 2012

Ryan and Regan

Ryan and Regan
Easter 2011

Ryan and Regan

Ryan and Regan

Monday, July 6, 2009

An Adult Weekend

Sanjay and I took our first trip without Ryan. We went to Atlanta for a good friend's wedding. While it was a much needed break for me, it was still very difficult to leave Ryan. He stayed with my sister and her family. Knowing that Ryan was with family always makes me feel at ease. I think I was the most emotional when the flight was taking off. For some reason that made me really feel like I was leaving him. It was probably because I could not just jump in the car and pick him up. Thank God for modern technology! I was able to email my sister and mom before the flight took off, at 6 a.m. and receive an email back from my mom reassuring me that everything would be okay. My sister is so wonderful! She took pictures of Ryan all weekend during various activities; playing outside, swimming, eating a big breakfast, lunch and dinner, bathtime and would send the pictures to me so I could see how well he was doing. That really put my mind at ease, especially since he did not want to talk to me on the phone. When we returned my sister and her family came to drop Ryan off and have dinner. I went out to the car to get Ryan. He stared at me for what felt like and eternity, probably 5 seconds, then got a huge smile on his face and held out his arms to me so I could pick him up. It was as if in his mind he was thinking, "Oh yeah, I remember you!" Sanjay and I contemplated taking another adult only trip to Hawaii in August to celebrate our anniversary, but I think we will just go somewhere local. I'm not sure I'm ready to leave Ryan again, even if it is only for three days.

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